+1 6478710071

Vestibular Rehabilitation

What is vestibular Rehabilitation?

“Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based program, designed by a specialty-trained vestibular physical therapist, to improve balance and reduce problems related to dizziness.”

At your appointment, a physical therapist will evaluate your symptoms and review your medical history. Your assessment will include all or part of the following areas:

  • 1.Balance and/or leg strength/flexibility
  • 2.Gait (how you walk)
  • 3.Visual stability and mobility
  • 4.Neck mobility and neck and arm strength
  • 5.Positional testing, including an inner ear exam
Cinque Terre

Common symptoms that can be helped with vestibular rehabilitation include:

Dizziness or blurry vision with head movements.

Neck tightness, stiffness and/or pain.

Imbalance or the need to hold onto objects when walking.


Frequent falls.

Generalized “dizziness, wooziness and foggy head” feelings.

Enquiry Form

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    We also deals in:

    Physiotherapy,Acupuncture,Personalized Exercise Programs,Registered,Massage Therapy,Custom Foot Orthotics (Kimberly Rau & Associates)

    At EasyGo physio & wellness centre, we are dedicated to provide quality service to our clients at our convenient location in 3775 kingston road.


    A1-3775 Kingston Rd #4 & 6, Scarborough, ontario M1J 3H4 CA

    +1 6478710071

    [email protected]